2024 艺术无限 · Art Infinity | 传承·融合——古今中西美学对话
September 01,2024 Art Infinity

2024年主题介绍 | Theme Introduction for 2024
2024 marks the first decade since the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen). As a multicultural and diverse institution, CUHK-Shenzhen has strived to combine tradition with modernity and to bring together China and the West over the past ten years. The Library presents the Art Infinity exhibition, showcasing artworks from both Chinese and Western masters, as well as modern Chinese young artists. The exhibition revolves around the cultural exchanges since the opening of the Silk Road, depicted through artistic paintings that embody the fusion of tradition and modernity, as well as the integration of Chinese and Western influences.
This exhibition immerses viewers in the assimilation and integration of multiculturalism from the Southern Song Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty. It reflects the blending of different ethnic cultures within Chinese art, showcasing the aesthetic tastes of the Chinese nation and expressions of social consciousness and emotions during that period. The entry of Eastern crafts into the Western world marked the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. From the 15th to the 18th century, Eastern artistic characteristics gradually merged into the creations of Western artists. In the 20th century, China faced wars, territorial upheaval, and challenging living conditions. Many intellectuals sought broader perspectives and advanced ideas through studying abroad in the West, particularly in France, where the socialist movement influenced the paths of Chinese students. These talented young artists collaborated with Western painting masters, exploring the boundaries of art through Impressionism, Cubism, and modern art. Upon returning to China, they made significant contributions to the establishment and innovation of contemporary Chinese art, profoundly influencing its development.
Some argue that sensibility originates from the East, while rationality comes from the West. When Western artists integrate rational painting with the sensibility of Eastern art, while Eastern artists absorb Western rational thinking in their expressive depictions, the two cultural arts blend and create a more diverse and rich artistic expression. This cross-cultural fusion is evident in the Library of CUHK-Shenzhen, which serves as an academic and cultural hub, witnessing the institution's growth over the past decade. The Library provides abundant resources and fosters cultural exchange and academic innovation. In the years ahead, the Library will continue to play a significant role, contributing to the university's educational and cultural development. This fusion and collaboration promote cultural and artistic prosperity, embodying the mission of CUHK-Shenzhen as an institution that integrates Chinese and Western cultures, providing students with a comprehensive and cross-cultural platform for development and exchange.

The Library brings a trip to art infinity.
The Library brings a trip to art infinity.
空间的延伸与文化的发展使不同地域的艺术展现出独特的魅力,而时代的更迭更是赋予了艺术更多的可能性。香港中文大学(深圳)图书馆于9月期间开展《艺术无限 · Art Infinity》的系列文艺展,通过画展、书展和讲座等形式,将艺术、历史、文化与大学课程、图书馆资源相结合,向读者更加立体地展现图书馆的丰富馆藏。
The extension of space and the development of culture decide the unique attraction of art from different geographical divisions, and the alternating time adds more possibilities to its charm. To vividly depict the extensive resources collection, the Library of CUHK-Shenzhen is organizing a series of art and literature exhibitions, 艺术无限 · Art Infinity, in September. The event series combines art, history, and culture with university courses and library resources through the formats such as painting shows, book exhibitions, and lectures.
活动详情链接 | Links to Event Details
展览主题、前言及开幕式 Exhibition Theme, Introduction, and Opening Ceremony
展品目录 Exhibition Catalog
主题讲座 Themed Lecture
协办单位介绍 | Co-organizer Introduction
Library of CUHK-Shenzhen
Library of CUHK-Shenzhen
Artron Art Gallery(Shenzhen)
Artron Art Gallery(Shenzhen)
Exhibition Time:
Exhibition Time:
SEP 1 to 30, 2024
SEP 1 to 30, 2024
Exhibition Venue:
Exhibition Venue:
Sunshine Area, 3F-UL
Sunshine Area, 3F-UL