Code of Behaviour
Library of CUHK-Shenzhen inspires teaching, learning, exploring and researching. Use of the University Library is a privilege with associated responsibilities for all users. Library users are responsible for informing themselves of library policies. This code applies to all library users including academics, staff and students.
- All library users MUST comply with the Law of the People’s Republic of China, and all University Library policies and regulations.
- Access to the library is permitted only for purposes of using library resources or studying. Soliciting, loitering or sleeping is not permitted.
- Distribution of leaflets and displays of posters are NOT allowed unless authorization is granted. All unauthorized material will be removed.
- To protect the privacy of all staff and users, Audio recording, videotaping, photography and other audio-visual recording are not permitted except where expressly authorized.
- Library users are expected to observe all library services rules and guidelines. Any activity in the library that interferes with the rights of other library users, or that is potentially harmful to any library user, staff, facility, or library resources, is considered unacceptable.
- Library is a public facility and library users are responsible for their own personal belongings. The library takes NO responsibility for any lost or damage of personal items.
- Personal belongings should not be left unattended or used to reserve study places. Library staff may remove books and other personal items that have been left for more than 30 minutes.
- All unattended food and drinks will be discarded immediately, and the person who brought the items into the Library will be recorded on the User Misbehaviour Record.
- Library users should bring a reasonable number of personal items for study purpose ONLY into the Library. The Library considers the reasonable is that a user can handle and move comfortably at any time.
- All unattended items will be disposed directly of every night after library closes.
- No outside food or drinks are allowed anywhere in the library unless otherwise designated.
- We have a tobacco-free campus, so NO smoking is allowed in or near the Library.
- Animals are not allowed in the library with the exception of permission from the Library.
- The Library is a public facility that serves the whole University community. Every library user has the responsibility to ensure that the Library environment is respectful of everyone’s right to use the Library.
- Library users should remove all garbage from their seats when they leave.
- Library users must NOT mark, deface, damage, or destroy any Library resources or property.
- Library users must NOT use high-wattage electrical appliances unless otherwise designated.
Violation of the Code of Behaviour for Library Users and other Library regulations and policies may result in, but not limited to, any or all of the following:
- Temporary/permanent suspension of part/all user privileges
- Reporting in the User Misbehaviour Record
- Immediate ban from the Library
- Reporting in the Student Record
- Referral to University Security Group and/or the police