【活动邀请·Invitation】 书林漫步 · A WALK IN THE BOOKS | 2024/2025传说篇·秋季展开幕
板块一:神话传说类书籍展 在这里,我们挑选出600余本古今中西的神话与传说相关书籍,涵盖了中国古代的神话传说、阿拉伯世界的神秘故事、北欧的英雄史诗,以及更多全球各地的神话精华。 展览时间:11月1日开始 展览地点:大学图书馆三楼阳光区 展览书籍查询:书展目录 Book List |
板块二:Read It Out阅读分享视频展区 本次展览呈现了9月期间收集并筛选出的神话传说主题读书分享视频。这些视频涵盖了众多文学经典,其中不乏《封神演义》的深邃神话与《神谱》的奇幻史诗等著名作品。 播放安排:详见现场指引 播放地点:大学图书馆三楼近309培训教室
板块三:VR互动电影院 特别增设VR互动电影播放活动,让您身临其境地感受神话世界的震撼与奇妙。戴上VR眼镜,您将踏入一个又一个令人心旷神怡的神话世界,体验前所未有的视听盛宴。 开放时间:详见现场指引 体验角地点:大学图书馆三楼阳光区 |
板块四:拍照打卡 在礼步步一号前许下心愿,摆出“剪刀手比耶”的可爱手势,记录下这一美好瞬间。每一张照片都是您与神话传说的不解之缘,也是您美好回忆的见证。 打卡方式:详见现场指引 注:参与VR电影院或拍照打卡,即可在现场获得《图书馆集印计划》中【秋季书林漫步】印章 |
板块五:主题征稿 截止日期为12月31日,我们向所有读者征集奇幻主题相关的文章(2,000字以内,文体不限)、绘画(原创或同人图均可)及活动相关感想(300~500字)。
投稿方式及要求:2024年书林漫步 | 奇幻主题作品征集 图书馆将筛选优秀作品于明年4月的春季学期活动上进行展出。所有被选中的作品的投稿人,都将获得一个刻有你名字的特别定制3D打印摆件作为奖励,并获得《图书馆集印计划》中【书籍分享家】印章。 |
更多详细信息,请参考:书林漫步 · A WALK IN THE BOOKS | 2024/2025传说篇
Dear Library Users,
Embark on a mystical journey through the 2024 "A Walk in the Books" series, where the ancient Chinese Loong takes flight amidst a constellation of global myths. This exhibition is a cultural odyssey that celebrates the timeless Loong and a tapestry of tales that have shaped civilizations. Dive into a fusion of East and West, where each story's unique luster bridges time and space.
Join us in honoring the wisdom of ancestors and the shared dreams that paint a vibrant mosaic of world mythology. Witness the rebirth of legends in a symphony of cultures, where the eternal and the new converge, inviting your spirit to soar beyond the boundaries of language and culture into the heart of human heritage.
The Autumn Exhibition 2024/2025 Legends Unfold is divided into five parts:
Part I: Book Exhibition for Mythological and Legendary Literature This book exhibition features over 600 volumes of mythological and legendary literature, encompassing ancient Chinese myths and legends, the mystical tales of the Arab world, the heroic epics of Norse lore, and a rich collection of mythological essence from around the globe. Date: Starting from November 1 Location: Sunshine Area, 3F-UL Book exhibition catalog: 书展目录 Book List |
Part II: Read It Out Showcase
This exhibition presents a collection of myth and legend-themed book sharing videos curated and selected during September.
Schedule: Please refer the on-site instructions Location: Outside the Room 309 |
Part III: VR Interactive Movie Theater Don't miss our special VR movie event during the exhibition, featuring mythological worlds and stories. Let us transcend the boundaries of time and space together, exploring ancient yet timeless tales, and embark on an unprecedented mythological journey like never before.
Schedule: Please refer the on-site instructions Location: Sunshine Area, 3F-UL |
Part IV:Moment Capture Lock eyes with our Libro001 and share your deepest wish! We'll capture this magical moment of you! Please refer the on-site instructions, and you can also get a special stamp for Library Stamp Collecting Project. |
Part V: Call for Submissions We invite submissions of fantasy-themed articles (up to 2,000 words), captivating images, and thought-provoking reflections (300-500 words) until December 31.
Submission: 2024年书林漫步 | 奇幻主题作品征集 We will screen the submissions based on their creative content and plan to exhibit the selected works in April 2025. As a contributor with a selected work, each participant will receive an exquisite and custom-made 3D-printed ornament as a prize, and a special stamp for Library Stamp Collecting Project. |
For more details of the event, please refer to: 书林漫步 · A WALK IN THE BOOKS | 2024/2025传说篇
Thank you for your support of the “A Walk in the Books” series events. We look forward to your participation!