Executive Assistant
Email: dengyixuan@cuhk.edu.cn
Assisting in the administrative work; providing support in library events and services.
HSS Librarian
Email: yinmeng@cuhk.edu.cn
Communication with faculties and students for supporting their academic needs in humanities and social sciences.
SDS Librarian
Email: yangweiwei@cuhk.edu.cn
Communication with faculties and students for supporting their academic needs in data science.
SSE Librarian
Email: wanglin@cuhk.edu.cn
Communication with faculties and students for supporting their academic needs in science and engineering.
SME Librarian
Email: alicebao@cuhk.edu.cn
Communication with faculties and students for supporting their academic needs in management and economics.
Digital Education Librarian
Email: dengkechen@cuhk.edu.cn
Providing support in e-learning, resource digitalization; coordinating promotion of library events or services; participating in developing and implementing programs and outreach services.