- 纸本图书:
- 不采购非学术性等不符合收录标准的图书;
- 批量荐购金额超过5万元人民币的图书,需经图书馆委员会审批。
- 电子图书:
- 同纸本图书,批量荐购金额超过5万元人民币的电子图书,需经图书馆委员会审批。
- 未超过5万元人民币但需按学科包购买的电子图书,由图书馆在充分考虑读者意见后决定是否采购。
- 不采购非IP范围访问、仅可使用个人账号阅读的电子图书。
- 纸本期刊:
- 因期刊为连续出版物,须按年订购,保证资源完整性、连续性。
- 读者每年3月10日之前提交荐购申请,由图书馆委员会审核,决定是否纳入下一年采购计划。
- 数据库、电子单刊:
- 读者每年3月10日和9月10日前提交至图书馆,由图书馆委员会决定是否采购。
- 对于所有读者荐购的资源,图书馆将根据采选原则、年度采选计划、文献购置经费条件、馆藏情况等因素,综合考虑是否接受荐购。
The library of CUHK-Shenzhen is a library that supports the academic activities of the university. The main purpose of acquiring resources is to serve the teaching, learning, and research needs of the university community, as well as to cater to their general education and reading interests.
The principles for acquiring different types of resources are as follows:
Print books
- The library will not purchase books that do not meet the collection standards, such as books that are not for academic purposes.
- Books that cost more than RMB 50,000 in total need to be approved by the library committee.
- The principle is the same as that of print books. E-books that cost more than RMB 50,000 need to be approved by the library committee.
- E-books that cost less than RMB 50,000 but need to be purchased by subject package will be approved by the library after consulting with the requester.
- The library will not purchase e-books that can only be accessed by personal account and not by IP range network.
Print journals
- Since journals are serial publications, they need to be ordered annually to ensure the completeness and continuity of resources.
- The library committee will review the purchase requests submitted by users before March 10 each year and decide whether to include them in the purchase plan for the next year.
Databases and E-single journals
- The library committee will review the purchase requests submitted by users before March 10 and September 10 each year.
The library will consider various factors, such as the purchase principles, the annual purchase plan, the purchase fund, and the existing collections, before accepting or rejecting the purchase requests.
Purchase Request Response Time
For books that cost less than RMB 50,000, the library will email the user within 15 working days (excluding weekends, winter and summer vacations, and national holidays) after receiving a purchase request and inform them whether the purchase will be made.
For books that cost more than RMB 50,000, due to fund adjustments and approval procedures, the library will email the user in May and November each year with feedback on the results. For other resources, the feedback will be given from July to September of the current year or from January to March of the following year.
After approving a print book purchase request, the library will contact the bookseller for procurement as soon as possible. Generally, it takes about 40 days for Chinese books and about 3-6 months for foreign language books to be ordered and shelved. However, some orders may take longer due to factors such as publication time, distribution status, and procurement channels. We appreciate your patience. If you want to know about the progress of your purchase request, please refer to the following article for details: https://cuhk-shenzhen.libanswers.com/faq/263340.
If you have any queries regarding the policy and procedure of the Purchase Request, please contact us at libt@cuhk.edu.cn